Why are cats scared of…

Hello and meow, and happy new year ( which I should have said 2 days ago).

If you have a cat, then you know how scared they are of water or cucumbers…

Flying cats

But why?

Why are cats scared of cucumbers:

It’s their natural reaction to anything that sneaks up on them without making any noise. Cats tend to be scared or wary of the unknown, as it could represent the danger of a predator, and in the case of a cucumber, a snake.

Why are cats scared of water:

This weighs down your cat. While the top layer of the fur is water-resistant to a degree, if the whole coat is drenched, your cat will be uncomfortable. Another reason is cats in colder climates don’t like to get completely wet because it causes them to lose warmth.

Why are cats scared of dogs:

Basically, everything in dog language that says “I like you! Want to play?” translates to “This is my place! Get out of here!” in cat. Dogs with high prey drives—especially terriers and hounds— tend to see cats as just another prey animal to catch, which doesn’t help interspecies relations. Cats are also very cautious by nature and having been chased or threatened once, don’t want to stick around thinking maybe this time it will be different.

Why are cats scared of bananas:

It has been suggested that some cats may dislike or attack bananas based on its shape as prey or potential attacker, but it may be they see it as a toy.
If a cat has an adverse reaction and retreats from a banana, it is more likely that they are reacting to the smell of chemicals in the banana’s outer skin. Many cats also dislike citrus smells and will avoid citrus fruits.  Bananas are not known to be toxic to felines.

Well goodbye and meow, until next time!

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