Why are cats so lazy?

If you have a cat, you probably know how lazy they are. And by what I mean they are lazy, why do they sleep 16-18 a day. And yes, it’s completely normal.

Yet no matter how well we understand that a cats are behaving in a perfectly natural, healthy way when they sleep so much, many of us still wonder: why are cats so lazy?

Been to a zoo a number of times? Checked in on the lion or tiger pen? Ever seen one of those large, gorgeous creatures out and about? Chances are, unless you’ve managed to drop in during feeding time, you’ve probably only ever seen one of these attractive beasts snoozing or hanging out lazily in the sun.

Why do lions and tigers sleep so much? And what on earth does that have to do with house cats sleeping for 16-18 hours a day and being so overwhelmingly lazy?

Ever watched a nature documentary of a lion, tiger, panther, or any other wild cat hunting? Those felines really do expend a lot of energy catching their prey. They run shockingly fast, pounce like nobody’s business, and overall have to do quite a lot of strenuous exercise, expending huge amounts of energy while attempting to catch dinner.

So that is it and well bye!

P.S here is a photo to make your day

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